AMP's ZZzzz

Friday, September 23, 2005

Shake it off.

"My lovin ain't the same....
I really gotta get up out of here and go some where.

Gotta make that move for someone who appreciates all the love I give.
Gotta do what's best for me, baby and that means I gotta shake you off.

LET GO! Why? Because you HAVE to!
It's a hard realization to totally turn your ways around, and in turn your life, because you can't be the same to people. You can't call them every day, you can't reminisce, and if you do something that reminds you of them you can't tell them about it and share it. The rules totally change once that all happens. It's almost like that person has died, and I guess in a way they have in your life. How horrible, but in some sad way it's true.
Why do break ups have to be mean? Totally ignoring/disregarding and totally replacing that one person in your life you were the most intimate with, the most open and truthful too, and who had your heart the most. How is this torture suppose to help you grow. Oh my goodness, to have to lose all of that and act like that person doesn't matter to you, or in some sense, that they were never as HUGE part of your life as they really were. This is insanity!
Why is this the only way to move on. What a hard reality and concept. Very harsh but in the end.... I guess..... when you are with the FOREVER person in your life..... all the the past "forever boys" really don't matter. That past you shared and had is EXACTLY what it is.... past.
Life is a difficult process. Props to those who didn't have to go through this as much or not at all, and congrats!

All the love.

Other songs that I am listening too quite often from my downloads.
"There is no Arizona....If there was a grand canyon, she could fill it up with the lies he's told her. She'll wake up and find there is no Arizona. She wonders why she's still waitin, she'll keep waiting cause there is no Arizona. Finally she tells them (friends) don't you know there is no Arizona." - Jamie O'Neal
"Ain't no sunshine when she's gone. It's not warm when she's away. And she's always gone too long, anytime she goes away. I know I know I know.... " - Marvin Gay (or Bill Withers)
"I put a spell on you. Because you're mine. " - Howlin Wolf (or Jay Hawkins)
"My friends feel it's their appointed duty. They keep trying to tell me all you want to do is use me. But my answer, yeah to all that use me stuff, I want to spread the news that if it feels this good getting used, You just keep on using me...Until you use me up" - Bill Withers

Thursday, September 15, 2005

SICK? Try this...!!!


Who would have thought that health doesn't have to come in a medicine bottle? Well it is truly amazing what a little help nature can do for you. Putting what naturally heals the body into the body would only hinder it? WHAT? No... it would only help it! So why do we not latch on to this medical miracle of health?

So you are sick....
runny nose, congestion, soar throat, cough, feeling ill...

All you need is 50,000 IU Vitamin A and 100 mg Zinc* (once a day, in the morning with a meal)
add that to your daily multi vitamin and vitamin C and you will be a brand new person in a few days. Nothing is instant so this won't be either BUT it is healthier for your body and will also help build your immune system so next time you won't be as sick or you won't even get sick.

And as always, regular visits to your local Chiropractor will improve this process and keep you running strong like no other.

*Zinc makes about 3% of the population nauseous so to test it, place it on your tongue and see. If you are in this population, please take at the end of your meal and know that it's not hurting your body, but if you can't tolerate it then do without and still keep with the Vitamin A.

~Intern Patton

>> My experience was with a wicked nose cold. Only my left nostril would stay congested but it was so bad that my whole head hurt and my face would get red and a little puffy. I was DYING I tell you. I had Board reviews to go to and didn't know what else to do. So I took the advice of a trusted Chiropractor and bought some Vit. A and Zinc and took that in the morning for a week or so. And I tell you what. It was maybe two days and my sinus was so much better. The pressure was gone and soon after no more snot. It was like heaven in my head. I was also taking "Sinus Remedy," a supplement by Metagenics, with adjustments every other day to two days. <<

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Eat more FAST FOOD for your HEALTH!!

Fruits and Vegies the ORIGINAL fast food.

OOOO. Now you know as well as I do that fast food today is not healthy at all, but man so hard to resist as well. Those oh so yummy trans fatty acids taste so good to the tongue, but the body just screams, "NO MORE, PLEASE!"

So, why is eating fruits and vegies on an EVERYDAY, regular basis a MUST?
The highest % of vitamins per calorie come from fruits and the highest % of minerals per calorie come from vegies.

Green leafy vegies "foliage"
contain FOLIC ACID which reduces the risk of birth defects (neural tube defects), anti-carcinogenic, anti-depressant. Low levels are associated with poor cognitive function. dementia and Alzheimer's type degeneration.

Citrus, cruciferous vegies (cabbage, broccoli, kale, etc.) and cherries
contain CALCIUM D-GLUCARATE which help with your digestive phases to turn detoxed intermediates into water soluble products to be excreted from the body. Without this you will build up these reactive intermediates in your body... that just doesn't sound good right?

Strawberries, Raspberries, Pomegranates and Walnuts
contain ELLAGIC ACID which is a POWERFUL ANTI-OXIDANT, anti-viral and anti-bacterial. It also inhibits activation of carcinogens, PROTECTS THE LIVER from toxins, and promotes old cell distruction for new healthy cells to grow (in areas such as the skin and other areas of high friction).

Green tea
contians POLYPHENYL CATECHINS help with the balancing of the detoxification phases therefore also a potent antioxidant, promotes healthy bowel flora and PROTECTS AGAINST MANY CANCER types.

Remember FFROWP - Fresh Ripe Raw Organic Whole Produce


Sunday, September 04, 2005

Searching for Topics....

So I was reading over my friend, James Burke's, blog and he had a lot of information about computer things whenever there were updates and such. I didn't read most of them because I am not into it as much as he and the others of you whom that stuff comes easily to. BUT... I am into Science and Health and the like because I am in Chiropractic school and will be a Chiropractor in 341 days and counting. :)
I really liked the idea of putting new topics on a blog for people to actually get helpful information from instead of just reading "random thoughts of Wonderland" whenever something comes to my mind. So I decided I would pick topics and "blog" about them. These topics I would like to be about health questions or chiropractic questions or anything of the like. If I don't know I will find out and respond. I have some topics in mind to start with such as prostates and CoQ-10 supplementation.
I would like to hear from you all if you have any others so I can share the information with the rest of whomever reads these. It will be GREAT practice for me as a Doctor, before I get out in the field. So..... BRING IT ON!!!

Let me hear from youO

~ Intern Allison Patton

At your service.