How do you feel?
So I am sitting here in a Starbucks in St. Joseph, MO and I had to get extra chi flavoring because my soy chi was basically a soy late with chi. The little cup they gave me with the extra flavoring was this,
"History without war, a good plan for the future." - Nancy Wilson.
And then I thought of the quote by whom I can't remember,
"If we do not learn from our past, we are doomed to repeat it."
Isn't it a sad sign of today's times where we are repeating our past. It seems our government and country have not learned from our past or tried to learn from the past of our neighboring countries to know how to make peace and stay in peace. I always saw this quote as an explanation of why fashion trends always came back around. Knowing this fact in the 90's, I prayed the 80's style would never come back around, most of us did. OH MY GOSH, we are witnessing the 80's come back and there is no stopping it!
The first time I saw leggings under a skirt on a mannequin in a mall I freaked out. NO! SAY IT ISN'T SO! All I could see after that was a side pony tail, crimped hair and double layered socks in different colors with Keds. The kids in our youth group did and 80's theme and I felt so old. Must have been what my parents felt like when the "flare" pants and "Capris" came back into style.
Please learn from the mistake of the fashion style of the 80's and JUST SAY NO! : )
Back on the serious note of the first two quotes together, I pray for our country so badly. I almost cry at how things have turned out and where they are headed. Where has the brotherly love gone where we protect our neighbor and respect their rights? We profess freedom of speech and right to believe what you want, and then turn around and make people who are not like the greedy American to be just like us, to believe just like us.
I had a classmate in a Worlds Religions class who was Muslim. She told us about when she lived in her country where this war is all going on, and they would protect each other no matter what religion. Christianity was the minority religion over there. She talked about her neighbors who were Hindu on one side and Christian on the other. One day people set out to get all the Christians out of their land and the neighborhood helped protect the Christians on their block because that's what they did. They all lived in HARMONY with each other. They respected each other as they would want respect for their own beliefs.
Another quote we learn when we are kids and can use it for so much deeper meaning,
"Treat others as you would want to be treated. Do unto others as you would have done unto you."
We need to heed our own advice and take a look at ourselves and reflect on who we are. I use to be PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN, now, I am not so sure how I feel. Maybe after living in another country I would have a definite opinion again, but these past few years, esp. this year, I just don't know how I feel.
How about you?
"History without war, a good plan for the future." - Nancy Wilson.
And then I thought of the quote by whom I can't remember,
"If we do not learn from our past, we are doomed to repeat it."
Isn't it a sad sign of today's times where we are repeating our past. It seems our government and country have not learned from our past or tried to learn from the past of our neighboring countries to know how to make peace and stay in peace. I always saw this quote as an explanation of why fashion trends always came back around. Knowing this fact in the 90's, I prayed the 80's style would never come back around, most of us did. OH MY GOSH, we are witnessing the 80's come back and there is no stopping it!
The first time I saw leggings under a skirt on a mannequin in a mall I freaked out. NO! SAY IT ISN'T SO! All I could see after that was a side pony tail, crimped hair and double layered socks in different colors with Keds. The kids in our youth group did and 80's theme and I felt so old. Must have been what my parents felt like when the "flare" pants and "Capris" came back into style.
Please learn from the mistake of the fashion style of the 80's and JUST SAY NO! : )
Back on the serious note of the first two quotes together, I pray for our country so badly. I almost cry at how things have turned out and where they are headed. Where has the brotherly love gone where we protect our neighbor and respect their rights? We profess freedom of speech and right to believe what you want, and then turn around and make people who are not like the greedy American to be just like us, to believe just like us.
I had a classmate in a Worlds Religions class who was Muslim. She told us about when she lived in her country where this war is all going on, and they would protect each other no matter what religion. Christianity was the minority religion over there. She talked about her neighbors who were Hindu on one side and Christian on the other. One day people set out to get all the Christians out of their land and the neighborhood helped protect the Christians on their block because that's what they did. They all lived in HARMONY with each other. They respected each other as they would want respect for their own beliefs.
Another quote we learn when we are kids and can use it for so much deeper meaning,
"Treat others as you would want to be treated. Do unto others as you would have done unto you."
We need to heed our own advice and take a look at ourselves and reflect on who we are. I use to be PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN, now, I am not so sure how I feel. Maybe after living in another country I would have a definite opinion again, but these past few years, esp. this year, I just don't know how I feel.
How about you?
I know how you feel. Just say no!!! No leggings. No socks bunched up over leggings with skirts. No butt enhancing long sweat shirts with no pants... only leggings... remember how flattering that was!!! No leg warmers!!! NO NO NO!!! You and me sister united against the new fashion trends. JUST SAY NO!
And... yes it is sad, so sad. Where are we headed? What have we become? It is overwhelming! The world has been shown a really distorted view of what it means to be a Christian! Twisted. Perverted. It has happened in the past... atrocities in the name of... here we go again. and..... to make things worse most of my family voted for the guy!!! because - he was against abortion!!!! and.... he was a "Christian". Have we all gone mad? What about the Fruits of the Spirit??? I know how you feel. You are not alone!
The black and whites are negative images. You can invert a black and white photo in photoshop to get the same effect. Good question. : )
sandig, at 1:36 PM
This is a great piece. I agree with you, its so funny to see how we keep repeating ourselves in every way! Just a few years ago I made my mom get rid of her old 'mom jeans' which were skinny leg....and now lo and behold they are EVERYWHERE!
Walking through the mall with my mom she says, 'oh I wore that in high school' 'is that really coming back again'?
But yeah i agree, it is sad that we cannot learn from who we were and apply it to who we are.
Im going to go hide my leggings now. ;-) <---I would like to point out I bought them for an 80's party and haven't worn them otherwise.
The Creative Death, at 1:57 AM
It has come to a good point that the leggins are good for wearing under jeans to keep warm when it is cold.
allison WONDERland, at 8:07 PM
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