Record high
So I know I need to type about myself more but here is the most recent. There has been drama with my apt. and the like but with work here is the low down.
I am working all week this week by myself because my boss has a seminar in Florida and is also taking it for a vacation to Disney World. (don't blame her, she works her butt off) anyways. This week I am flying solo and guess how many patients I saw today...... Come on guess before you read about it......
70! - ME, all by my little lonesome self. That is a record high for me!! How many people can say that after a month this Friday the 13th they see up to 70 pts. in a day. So awesome. This is why I love my job and life right now. All this great experience and patients to have the chance to heal. AMAZING!!!
K that's all for now. Just had to share my proud-ness of myself. I haven't been proud of myself like I am now, ever! It's my victory, my hard work, my choice. I have done this for me, so proud.
I think everyone should have a moment in their lives like this. Where you have done something solely FOR yourself, solely BY yourself, and actually accomplished it! Such a great feeling.
If you have had this in your life I would love to hear what yours was/is and if it's multiples even better.
~Dr. Allison (Al)
I am working all week this week by myself because my boss has a seminar in Florida and is also taking it for a vacation to Disney World. (don't blame her, she works her butt off) anyways. This week I am flying solo and guess how many patients I saw today...... Come on guess before you read about it......
70! - ME, all by my little lonesome self. That is a record high for me!! How many people can say that after a month this Friday the 13th they see up to 70 pts. in a day. So awesome. This is why I love my job and life right now. All this great experience and patients to have the chance to heal. AMAZING!!!
K that's all for now. Just had to share my proud-ness of myself. I haven't been proud of myself like I am now, ever! It's my victory, my hard work, my choice. I have done this for me, so proud.
I think everyone should have a moment in their lives like this. Where you have done something solely FOR yourself, solely BY yourself, and actually accomplished it! Such a great feeling.
If you have had this in your life I would love to hear what yours was/is and if it's multiples even better.
~Dr. Allison (Al)
wow...a record high!! my must be tired!! Good job girlie. I am so happy that you are HAPPY! :)
Katy, at 6:20 PM
70! wow! You go girl. Happy for you! :)
sandig, at 6:42 AM
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