"Look at me, I'm 23. Beautiful sight to see tonight." ~PlumbSo yes yes, today is/was my birthday. It was nice because they canceled school for the trimester 6 class so we can study for our clinic entrance tests we have to take tomorrow and, for some of us, Friday. This test is to prepare us for part 4 national boards test. It is an accumulation of all the material we have learned from day one to now and put into clinical settings. Pretty crazy but I think it will go well. They give us one free retake if we don't make a 75% on it. So if anything, there are always redues. :)
The best thing, besides getting out of class, on my birthday was the shuttle launch!! It was amazing and please, tons of prayers, I heard there is already a tile missing, so major prayers for their safe return. But it is neat to have something historic be on your birthday. I am glad it all worked out. The picture is me watching the Launch at Natasha's apt. She made me poached eggs, my new fav., and biscuits/gravy and bacon. Such a great b-day breakfast and for dinner I had again my fav, SPAGHETTI!! Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm...That's really about it other than all the awesome phone calls I received throughout the day from all of you wonderful people. They all came at the most perfect times too, so I never had to miss anyone and have them leave a message. You are all great friends and family and I love you all so much. You really make my life shine! So I need to get to bed. Brain sleep for the tests tomorrow. Night and blessings.
REAL love
One of my best friends was married yesterday! Michelle Lacewell married Andy Luikens and it was the most beautiful wedding I have been to. It was short and sweet and casual and AMAZING! I have never seen such great love of two people as I saw up on the altar that day. They both had amazing tears of joy during their vows and you could feel the fullness of love they both share for eachother. They have so much love that everyone in the church could feel and see it radiate from their souls. What a GOD filled love!
How great love can be. To see how happy she was getting ready the day before and, oh my goodness, the day of! You couldn't keep anything in the way of it happening. The other two girl friends of ours, that were in the bridal party as well, and I were talking about how we have 3 more to do between all of us and how great it will be to have all of us there for the moments. I told Crissy that either her or Steph would be next and she said Steph. I agreed and we were trying to plan it so Steph would catch the bouquet. She didn't but we told her about our plan anyway. She didn't think she would be next because she hasn't been dating her guy, Christian, that long. You should see how perfect they are together, though, and how she glows around him. You can just tell it's there. That is the love that we all hope for and would never let go of if found.SO guess what happens TODAY!!!..... She calls to tell me she is INGAGED!!! How awesome. I couldn't contain myself. It was so beautiful and sweet how he did it and you could tell he knew from the moment he saw her in class he knew what he wanted and what God wanted for them as well. So I know it's going to be another great wedding like this weekend's was. How awesome to see how God puts two perfect people together. You get so much joy and love from what they feel for eachother and you can't help but be so over joyed for their lives together. God is so great and amazing!! Love is a wonderful thing, everyone should have that, whether in family or a spouse.P.S. Word of the blog, AMAZING! Hahah. just noticed I had to keep saying it. Love to you all out there. May you find yours in time and NEVER let it go!~ Allison Marie