The FINAL final!!!

Can you believe it?! Three years and I have finished my last final in Chiropractic school FOREVER! What a great experience this has all been. Now all I get to do is go to clinic and work on patients all day! So great to get to focus only on practice and no more homework and such.
Thank you for all your support and encouragement throughout the years all you out there. You are great people and appreciate you all. Now on to BIGGER and better and more EXCITING things!
Yay! Congrats! Definately sounds like you're on your way!
The Creative Death, at 10:18 PM
Man I wish I could say the same. I am dreading coming back and having to finish up, but I know my good friend Allison will tell me all the answers :)
Anonymous, at 11:28 AM
YEA! Congrats! When will you come give me a massage?
Aimee, at 7:55 PM
why do people think chiropractors give massages? that's hilarious...that's the last thing i want to do!
Anonymous, at 10:27 AM
To annonymous massage or just a chiropractic session would do me wonders right now!
Aimee, at 11:08 PM
Allison I am so proud of you. Congrats on finishing up the learning portion. I need to come in and see you again, as my neck has been missing your hands.
Anonymous, at 7:44 AM
You can come in any time! I am always available. Just call. No need for you to suffer. : ) I know your schedule is busy, but there is always time for health. : ) AND I really need to get credits in as well. It's only a WIN WIN situation. : )
allison WONDERland, at 8:13 AM
I have gotten a massage from Allison...a butt massage. Just kidding... If only :) Totally kidding.
Yay!!! Congrats on the last of the last final! You know you will end up taking some sort of class at a community college just to defer your student loans, though.
I miss you, already!
Anonymous, at 10:16 AM
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