Sleepy, rubby eyes

Have you ever experienced the pleasure of rubbing your eyes when you are sleepy and feeling more relaxed after?
Have you ever rubbed your eyes so long and hard that you had to stop breathing for a while and then stop rubbing your eyes to breath and then hold your breath and start rubbing your eyes again (very intense like)?
Have you ever wondered why?
Well, I was going through this routine a few nights ago and thought, "I should tell people why your body (innate) does this very act for a reason." So here goes......
Once upon a time, in a far away dream there were 5 sheep............ okay not really! That was just to get your attention so you don't get bored already and leave my site.
Let's wake you up a bit with a brighter color, NOW let's begin.
You have this response called the "Oculocardiac Reflex"
With pressure on the eyes, the pulse rate should normally slow down from 5 to 13 beats per minuet.
Cranial nerve V (5) "trigeminal" is for the muscles used in chewing/ moving the jaw, and also sensation of the face.
Cranial nerve X (10) "vagus" (meaning great wanderer) does all of your parasympathetic modes (rest/digest modes). It is the great wanderer because it goes everywhere, esp. the heart.
This reflex connects the CN V from the eyes, to CNX to the heart to slow down your heart rate and get you ready for bed. :)
So next time you rub your eyes from being tired and the like, just remember the beautiful way the body works without you ever even knowing how and why, till now. : )
The blog about sleep just made me two times more tired...darn homework.
The Creative Death, at 10:31 PM
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