Here is a survey to see how much it costs to "Be who you want to be."
Lets take my loan total for instance....
School:Parker College of Chiropractic GraduateOccupation:Chiropractic DoctorDebt:$133,732.00What's yours? I am interested! This is kind of fun. (till I have to start paying on it) ; )
Ok this is not a fun game to play... :))) Pay off you debt as quickly as you can girl! You will be glad you did. It is insane how much it costs to get an education nowadays!!! INSANE!
sandig, at 11:19 AM
I totally hear you on that one. I have to defer mine because of this consolodation because in July rates are going up from 4.8 to 6.??% craziness. When I started they were at 2.77% And I thought I was I was having to pinch pennies now.... sheesh. :)
allison WONDERland, at 1:36 PM
Hey! Wow...thank God for lots of scholarships and grants and a really cheap school, and the fact that Jeb could take a student pastor postition and get paid while he was in school -- are only about $25,000 in the hole with loans for Jeb's Masters. Now...he keeps talking about going back so that he can be Dr. Jeb...but we'll see. And if I go back to school...who knows what it will cost. Thank goodness he picked a cheap school...He really wanted to go to Duke..in which case I would have had to auction off my first 6 kids!! My dad finished at McMurry and then SMU almost 10 years ago and I know he is still paying things off! Ahh!! Education.
Anonymous, at 2:36 PM
No kiddin! Im just getting into my freshman year of college right now, and Im already just dreading the idea of paying it all off!
Its SO expensive its unreal!
The Creative Death, at 11:24 PM
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