Split Identities; Who is Allison Patton?
Here is a funny story I thought to tell because it was brought to my attention in a reply to the hair blog.
My friend Michelle has always called me "Allison Patton" because she knows two other "Alison's" and to not get people confused which she is talking about I was/am referred to by both names. :) It's quite enjoyable really.
So the funny part, all her friends in Arizona thought she was always talking about her two friends, "Alice and Patton." Haha how hillarious is that!
I guess I told this story to some people and totally forgot who and so she reminded me of it. Just to share. :)
I guess my first split identity would be from my dad. As you know my parents had two beautiful, young, loveing, caring, fun girls. This holds the problem of him never getting to have the "boys" to teach things to and horse around with, therefore the split identity. Whenever we were "Jess and Al" we were my dad's "boys." He taught us many survival skills such as jumping off a roof and landing properly, how to fix things without calling for a repair man first, how to take things apart to see how they work just because, and finally how a woman should be treated.
Now you may think, "Woah, why do you, as a girl, need to know how a lady should be treated?" It's because we should accept no less from the man of our future. Now if things sway from this it's our own acceptance of the treatment, but at least we knew better. :)
So a case of the mistaken identity is now to a close. Thank you for playing. Come again.
My friend Michelle has always called me "Allison Patton" because she knows two other "Alison's" and to not get people confused which she is talking about I was/am referred to by both names. :) It's quite enjoyable really.
So the funny part, all her friends in Arizona thought she was always talking about her two friends, "Alice and Patton." Haha how hillarious is that!
I guess I told this story to some people and totally forgot who and so she reminded me of it. Just to share. :)
I guess my first split identity would be from my dad. As you know my parents had two beautiful, young, loveing, caring, fun girls. This holds the problem of him never getting to have the "boys" to teach things to and horse around with, therefore the split identity. Whenever we were "Jess and Al" we were my dad's "boys." He taught us many survival skills such as jumping off a roof and landing properly, how to fix things without calling for a repair man first, how to take things apart to see how they work just because, and finally how a woman should be treated.
Now you may think, "Woah, why do you, as a girl, need to know how a lady should be treated?" It's because we should accept no less from the man of our future. Now if things sway from this it's our own acceptance of the treatment, but at least we knew better. :)
So a case of the mistaken identity is now to a close. Thank you for playing. Come again.
ooopps I will have to reread over it and change that. Thanks Ali.:)
allison WONDERland, at 8:00 PM
Well Joshina, you can have a split identity as well. :) Took me a sec to understand what you were saying, then laughed histerically after it hit me. So funny, yet sometimes so true. Love ya buddy.
allison WONDERland, at 8:56 PM
you look hot
Anonymous, at 10:38 PM
Wish my dad had taught me things like that!
You've got a great father on your hands!
The Creative Death, at 8:24 PM
I know my dad tried to teach me things like that.
I remember michelle calling you allison patton & sometimes I still do just to keep me unconfused as to which allison I am talking about ;)
Hope you are well ~i~
Aimee, at 1:10 PM
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