AMP's ZZzzz

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Yesterday morning at 6:30am Jessica's water broke. Her contractions started around 7:30am and she soon progressed to four centimeters by 10:30am. She stayed around a four and five till 2:30pm and then started progressing. By 3:00pm she was ready to push. They checked her and she was at a ten and ready to deliver. The nurse got her into position and she pushed long and hard like a trooper for a good hour and a half. The baby's head was not progressing down the pelvis very fast and Jessica was given the option to push another 30 minutes and see how he progresses or to get a c-section. She was so tired from working so hard and getting no where that she was taken in for a c-section. About an hour or so later here she came with Steve and baby Davian!!

Born at 5:44pm
7 lbs, 5 oz
20" long

Long toes and fingers and SO BEAUTIFUL!!!


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